Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
The best thing I or any of the Prophets (PBUT) before me have said is there is no God but Allah. (La Ilaha Illallah).
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
It is reported by Ummul-Mumineen (mother of the faithful) Hazrath A’yesha (RZ) that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to keep remembering Allah every moment, all the time. (Tirmidhi, Mishkaat)
Imam Mehdi-al-Ma’ood (AHS)
Wherever you be, be in the remembrance of Allah.
Imam Mehdi-al-Ma’ood (AHS)
Once, Imam Mehdi (AHS) found two or three persons engaged in talking. Coming to them he asked, "What are you doing"? They replied, "we are telling some religious tales." The Imam AHS told them, "Brothers, you will not find Allah, the Most High, through stories. Perform Zikr. Except Zikrullah (Remembrance of Allah) there is no way to reach Allah
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
Do not speak much without mentioning Allah (Zikr) for too much speech without mentioning Allah hardens the heart, and the hardhearted are the farthest of all people from Allah, the Most High." (Tirmidhi).
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
Ibn Abbas (RZ) reported that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said that Satan is always perching upon the heart of Ibn-e-Adam (every human being). When he remembers God, Satan withdraws from him and when he is negligent, Satan whispers wicked incitements into his heart. (Bukhari and Mishkat)
Imam Mehdi-al-Ma’ood (AHS)
Negligence from Allah is forbidden (Haraam), and whatever makes you heedless toward Allah is also forbidden.
Imam Mehdi-al-Ma’ood (AHS)
Whenever Imam Mehdi (AHS) asked someone: "Are you comfortable?’ the person would reply: "yes", then the Imam (AHS) used to say: "This servant of Allah is not inquiring about your out-wardly comfort. Is the heart attached to Allah?" (Naqliyat-e-Miyan Abdul-Rasheed RZ)
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
All of a human being’s words count against him except commanding the right (Amar-Bil-Ma’ruf), forbidding the wrong (Nahi-Unil-Munkar), and the mention of Allah, the Most High (Allah’s Zikr)" (Ibn-Maja & Tirmidhi)
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
Abu Musa (RZ) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said that those who remember Allah and those who do not, are just like the living and the dead. (Bukhari, Muslim and Mishkat).
Imam Mehdi-al-Ma’ood (AHS)
The most perfect faithful is the one who keeps remembering Allah all the time.
Imam Mehdi-al-Ma’ood (AHS)
Once Imam Mehdi AHS recited the verse of Qur’an: "Those who remember Allah while standing, sitting and lying down". by the command of Allah, the Most High, the Imam (AHS) said that this is the trait of the community of Mehdi.
Imam Mehdi-al-Ma’ood (AHS)
Imam Mehdi (AHS) said that La Ilaha Illallah should have the same effect on the heart of a believer as a spark would in a house full of cotton. i.e., it burns out all the cotton. This phrase (La Ilaha Illallah) has such a quality that it burns out all the attachments other than that of Allah. (Naqliyat Miyan Abdur-Rasheed (RZ) ).
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
Abdullah Ibn Omar (RZ) narrated that the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) said that every thing has something else to polish, refine and make it shiny. Such a polish for heart is the remembrance of Allah. There is nothing more salvaging from the torment of God than remembrance of Allah. The companions (RZ) asked if Jihad in the way of Allah is not equal to this. The Prophet (PBUH) replied: "No, even if you got your sword broken fighting the enemies of the faith."